JolitaArt For Everyone in Belfast at Yard Gallery & ArtisAnn Gallery
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A solo art exhibition by a Lithuanian artist Jolita Jarutiene living between two countries: Lithuania and Ireland is now available to view at Lithuanian Ambassy in Dublin.

The exhibition, titled ‘In Between. On the Way’, was inspired traveling between the two countries while gazing at the sky through the plane window. In between the earth and sky, looking at or through the clouds, you can unveil your own dream, you search for your own home. Sometimes the journey is long and you feel suspended between heaven and earth, between beliefs, norms, work and leisure, between people.  Eventually, that gap, filled with clouds of darkness and light, diminishes and you find your own truth.  And this truth is your inheritance, developed while you were travelling between.  Sometimes you enjoy the journey, as you travel towards light through stormy clouds like with air balloon: you can taste the wind, rain and a sense of freedom. Sometimes you wish you had never left your home as dark clouds gather around and the journey seems never-ending. Then as you allow the clouds to fill your vision, you understand that beauty is created in movement and constantly changing forms. These different forms remind us of home, music, poetry and people we love. Hopefully, these feelings will be experienced while visiting the exhibition at the Lithuanian Embassy in Dublin.

I extend my sincere thanks to Lithuanian Embassy in Dublin, my mentors: Artist Sam Fleming, and Ann McVeigh ‘ArtisAnn’ gallery owner in Belfast and my family for the help and support keeping my dream alive.

Kviečiame apsilankyti lietuvių meninkės Jolitos Jarutienės gyvenančios Airijoje parodoje ‘Tarp dangaus ir žemės. Pakeliui’ kuri vyksta Dublino ambasadoje.

Tai įspudžiai įkvėpti 15 metų kelionių dangumi tarp dviejų šalių Lietuvos ir Airijos. Žvelgiant pro lėktuvo langą debesyse pradedi ieškoti pažystamų formų, spalvų, minčių ir atrandi savo namus, ramybe, savo svajonę. Kartais, kai kelionė prailgsta pasijauti įstrigęs tarp dangaus ir žemės, tarp savo įsitikinimų, normų, jausmų, darbų ir malonumų, bet audringi debesys visada išsisklaido ir atrandi savo tiesą. Kartais keliauji su džiaugsmu, lyg sklęsdamas oro balionu per audrą į šviesą, jausdamas vėją, lietų ir išsilaisvinimą. O kartais užslenka juodi sunkus debesys ir atrodo, kad kelionė niekada nesibaigs, užplusta abejonės ar reikejo palikti namus, bet ilgiau stebėdamas dangu suvoki, kad judėjimo ir pokyčių dėka yra sukuriamas grožis, kuris primena namus, muzika, poezija bei mylimus žmones.

Viliuosi, kad parodos lankytojai yra patyrę ar dar patirs panašius išgyvenimus atsidurę pakeliui.

Nuoširdžiai dėkoju Lietuvos Respublikos Ambasados darbuotojams Dubline, savo kuratoriams: dailininkui Sam Fleming ir Ann McVeigh ‘ArtistAnn’ galerijos į kurėjai ir ypatingai savo šeimai už paramą ir mano svajonės palaikymą.


September 2018 - Solo show at the Lithuanian Ambassy in Dublin as part of Dublin Culture Night 2018

August 2018 - Group show at the Bangor Library, Bangor

August 2015 - Group show at the Cregagh Library, Belfast

July 2015 - Group show at the Holywood Library, Holywood

April 2009 - Group show of Lisnagarvey Art Society at the Higgin Gallery, Belfast

April 2009 - Group show of Lithuanian Artists at the Island Art Centre, Lisburn

March 2009 - Group show at the Courtyard Gallery, Midleton, Cork, Ireland

December 2008 - Solo exhibition at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Dublin

November 2008 - Group show at the Lisburn Art Gallery, Lisburn

September 2008 - Solo exhibition at the Great Victoria Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast

August 2008 - Group show at the Higgin Gallery, Belfast. The Rose Society of Northern Ireland

June 2008 - The 28th Art & Design teachers exhibition, Holywood

June 2008 - End of year students exhibition, South Eastern Regional College, Lisburn

June 2008 - Group of Artists exhibition of urban inspiration, The Potthouse, Belfast

April 2008 - Group show of Lithuanian Artists at the Island Art Centre, Lisburn

December 2007 -  Solo exhibition at the Newcastle Library, Newcastle

October 2007 - Mixed show “The Bronte Family” Bronte Art Gallery, Banbridge

September 2007 - Group show at the Higgin Gallery, Malone House, Belfast

September 2007 - Anna Cheyne 2007 Visual Art Award Exhibition, Lisburn

August 2007 - Group show at the Higgin Gallery, Belfast. The Rose Society of Northern Ireland

June 2007 - End of year students exhibition, Lisburn Institute, Lisburn

December 2006 - Group of Artists exhibition in Island Art Centre, Lisburn


April 2008 - Mayor’s of Lisburn Award for Volunteering 2008

March 2008 - Ambassador of Vilnius as the European Capital of Culture for 2009

January 2008 - Lisburn Historic Quarter Arts Group Postcard Competition. Two paintings were chosen as the winning design

August 2007 - Commended Ana Cheyne Visual Art Award 2007 Research Panel

May 2007 - Lisburn Historic Quarter Arts Group Postcard Competition. Entry was chosen as one of the winning designs

2006 – 2008 South Eastern Regional College, Lisburn, UK: National Diploma in Art & Design

2001 – 2003 Kaunas University of Medicine: Master’s Degree in Social Work

1998 – 1999 Kaunas Gestalt Study Centre: 1-year organisational consulting studies

1995 – 1998 Kaunas Gestalt Study Centre: 3-year post-graduate studies of psychology

1988 – 1993 Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuania: Master's Degree in Pharmacy


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